For Amherstburg tourism inquiries, directions, brochures, events & festival dates and souvenirs, please visit or contact:
Historic Gordon House

Downtown Visitor Information Centre & Amherstburg Tourism and Culture Office
Historic Gordon House
266 Dalhousie Street
Amherstburg, ON
N9V 1W7
Phone: 519-730-1309
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm
Extended weekend hours from June to September.
To further inquire about Amherstburg and the extended region, please visit or contact:
Waterfront Tourism Information Centre

Waterfront Tourism Information Centre (seasonal)
Located on County Rd. 20, north of the Town of Amherstburg
116 Sandwich Street North
Amherstburg, ON
Phone: 519-736-8320 / 1-800-265-3633
Summer Hours (May-August):
Thursday-Sunday, 10:00am-5:00pm
Fall Hours (September-Thanksgiving):
Saturday-Sunday 10:00am-5:00pm
Operated by Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island.